Everyone knows that the more you buy, the better price you can get. There’s a definite advantage to buying in volume. Think about the price you could negotiate if you purchased double or triple the volume of what you are currently purchasing. All Star combines the purchases of its members to provide them with better pricing than what they could get on their own. With more than 300 members and more than 800 locations, together we can achieve more savings.
To find out how much you could be saving through All Star, contact us today to discuss our no-risk purchasing assessment. To learn more about participating in All Star’s purchasing programs, see How Does It Work?
“I worked with All Star for many years from a previous company that I had worked for and always thought fondly of the partnership. So, once I moved into my new role here, I reached out to get back on board knowing that they would help deliver savings and a broader network of Suppliers that I could depend on.”
Dion Lee
Director of Finance
Mountainside Farms, a division of Worcester Creameries Corp.